

Speak Like a Local in authentic dialects

Welcome to “Hack That Accent,” your ultimate guide to mastering accents from around the world, hosted by linguist Melanie Fox, the acclaimed “Speech Fox.” Whether you’re an actor seeking an authentic dialect (dialect coaching) or a professional aiming for clearer communication (accent reduction), this podcast offers a scientific and nonjudgmental approach to accent learning and modification. Each episode features insights from native speakers, successful actors, and/or industry experts, providing you with practical tools to effectively mimic or minimize various accents.

New Episodes Coming Soon!

Episode 1: The New York (Brooklyn) Accent

Learn to mimic an authentic-sounding Brooklyn Accent, so you can blend in with real New Yorkers. Or learn to minimize your existing Brooklyn accent so you don't sound like My Cousin Vinny.

Episode 2: General/Standard American English (GAE/SAE)

Learn how to cultivate a clear and confident Standard or General American English accent for a neutral US sound, great for business and public speaking.

EPISODE 3: Received Pronunciation (RP), Standard British

Learn the posh dialect codified by the British English upper crust and approved by the Queen of England herself!

EPISODE 4: Transatlantic 
(Mid-Atlantic) Accent

Learn the dialect uniquely manufactured by old Hollywood and now exploited by modern video games, for a sound that lives somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean!

Meet the host

Melanie Fox, aka the Speech Fox, is the dynamic host of the groundbreaking podcast, “Hack That Accent.”

For over 20 years, Melanie has helped to boost the star-meter of public figures, successful business leaders, and prominent actors as a private coach — and now she is on a mission to share her exclusive accent-hacking methodologies with the public.

Melanie envisioned this podcast as a vehicle to empower entertainers and executives to modify their speech to suit their needs. She provides access to “accent reduction” strategies for both English learners / non-native English speakers and speakers of regional English accents who strive to cultivate a more neutral American accent. And, at the same time, she offers strategies for speakers of Standard or General American English to master authentic-sounding regional dialects of English from around the globe.

As a dedicated language learner and fervent dialect lover, Melanie’s passion and respect for linguistic diversity is evident in her heartfelt work.

"Hack That Accent" Listeners Say

“Awesome topics for actors who want to master dialects on their own time.“

“Such an inspiring podcast for accent lovers around the world.”

“Melanie puts her heart and soul into spreading her enthusiasm about linguistic diversity.”

“As a non-native English speaker, this podcast is GOLD–I learned so much so quickly.”